
Sensorial: Nurturing Senses, Cultivating Minds​

The senses, being explorers of the world, open the way to knowledge. Our apparatus for educating the senses offers the child a key to guide his explorations of the world…”

~Dr. Maria Montessori

The world is a tapestry of colors, sizes, dimensions, shapes, forms, sounds, touches, tastes, and smells. These diverse impressions reach a child’s mind through their senses. Between birth to the age of six, as children refine their senses, their focus turns towards understanding their environment. The purpose of Sensorial activities is to aid the child in classifying, categorizing, and grasping the world. This is achieved by engaging with the purposefully designed Montessori Sensorial materials. These materials also contribute to the child’s development as a logical, attentive, and perceptive individual—qualities essential for cultivating the cognitive development and comprehending abstract concepts in later stages. Thus, Sensorial activities lay a foundational basis for Mathematics and Science in a child’s early years.

“Tell me and I forget,
Teach me and I remember, 
Involve me and I learn.”

~ Benjamin Franklin

Our Locations

Bandar Rimbayu

Tadika Sri Ria Bayu (1297236-M)

The Oak Tree Playhouse (1494500-A)

Kota Kemuning

Tadika Sri Ria Kemuning (1249019-M)

Opening Hours

Enquiry Hours